Three tips on how to wear high heel slingbacks like these lovely Aquazurra high heel shoes with 'killer' 4" heels
These are lovely Aquazurra high heel shoes recently seen on the Duchess of Sussex when she attended an event with Prince Harry.
The Duchess wears heels very gracefully, but even she has some shoe fitting issues. A careful close look at her left foot, closest to the viewer, shows that her heel has moved forwards in the shoe which is then probably pinching at the toes - especially likely since the sling back shoes have very pointed toes and have a 4" heel. Her right foot has a different issue which is that it is falling off the insole of the shoe at the heel end towards the outside of the foot just as she turns her leg while stepping down on the right foot as she and Prince Harry stop to greet another attendee at the 100 Days to Peace Concert.
Closeup of Duchess of Sussex Aquazzura sling backs show that her heels do not sit in a stable position in her lovely jeweled slingbacks. This ruins the look of the shoes plus is a potential falling hazard as well.
If these issues, which are very common for high heel slingbacks, can happen to the Duchess they probably can happen to you. Slingbacks of all kinds - low heel or high heel- are very popular because they suit almost any foot type - short or long, wide or narrow, big or small - and make all feet look elegant and graceful. They are also a versatile shoe that looks good with skirts and dresses or pants of any type including jeans to elevate any outfit. The very high heel with jeweled decoration is perfect for an occasion when you are accompanying a Prince to a formal concert!
Three important tips for how to wear high heel slingbacks comfortably and safely and be able to walk naturally are:
1. Wear contoured PORON foam rebounding inserts made for high heels in shoes to keep the foot from sliding forward (especially critical with narrow toe shoes), plus cushion the ball of the foot from pressure inside killer heels.
2. Wear contoured PORON foam rebounding inserts in shoes made for high heels to keep the heel of the foot firmly inside the heel area of the shoe. The contoured foam will keep the foot from falling off to the sides at the heel, plus keep more of the weight of the wearer on the heel end of the shoe so there is less pressure on the ball of the foot.
3. Wear contoured PORON foam rebounding inserts made for high heels in them to keep the foot from moving inside the shoe, either sideways or forward at the heel of the shoe and at the front end of the shoe. High heels, especially ones that are open at the heel end, or at both ends - like high heel sandals - are very vulnerable to wobbliness. Wobbliness affects the wear of the shoe by making it unstable and unsafe. It also affects the way you can walk in heels. If high heels fit snugly to the foot then walking in them is much easier, with a more natural gait and less tiring because you are not clenching your foot and leg muscles trying to keep your shoes on your feet while you walk in them.
Shoe inserts made from contoured PORON foam have all the same qualities as flat PORON foam inserts such as those made by FootPetals company, however the contoured foam and the custom fit make contoured foam inserts much more functional as in tips 1,2, and 3 and more aesthetically pleasing too - they hide completely out of sight under the foot - and do not stick out from the back of the heel. This feature is very important for high heeled sling backs, such as the lovely Aquazzuraa that the Duchess wore.
The only company that makes contoured PORON foam inserts is Killer Heels Comfort. The design is very new, patented only in 2015 and 2017 and the manufacturing process of sculpting PORON foam inserts - as opposed to stamping them out of a sheet - is a proprietary manufacturing process. The design features that enable the inserts to do what they do - hold the foot back, cushion it exactly where it needs cushioning and not stuffing the shoe with superfluous cushioning, and stabilizing the shoe is only possible with a design that is contoured to follow the surfaces of the bottom of the foot, and not add extra height to the shoe with cushioning under the heel where it is not needed.